Friday, November 30, 2007

Student Loan Consolidation:

By far, the hardest part of completing the student loan consolidation process is getting started. As because there are diverse numbers of options and programs there in the finance markets which can be bit overwhelming for student to select the proper loan consolidation. By the time students finish there education they usually have more than one loan that also on different terms and conditions. Student loans take at least five to ten years to pay off.

The Direct Student Loan Consolidation is one of the most popular Federal student loan option.

There are 3 categories Direct Loan Consolidation:

1) Direct Plus Consolidation Loan.

2) Direct Subsidized Consolidation Loan

3) Direct Unsubsidized Consolidation Loan

Direct Consolidation Loans has fixed interest which is fix for the life of loan. When you consolidate your Direct loans you need to know how to handle the payments and what the program itself entails. The Direct loan program has a number of different types of repayment arrangements to meet the variety of income situations of borrowers. There are 4 types of Direct student loan consolidation repayment plan as follows:

1) The Standard Plan Of Direct Student Loan .

The standard repayment plan gives you a fixed amount to pay for each monthly installment. You simply make the same payment each month until your loan is paid off. You can make payments greater than the installment amount and pay off your loan early without having to pay any penalties. This simple plan is easy for anyone with a steady income with a low to moderate level of debt. This option gives you up to 10 years to repay your loan.

2) The Extended Plan For Direct Student Loan Consolidation.

This particular option is for the people who have larger loan debts . This plan is typically for the people who have completed there medical or law school programs . You need a greater term to repay the debt, and in most cases you do not start out your career at the top of the market. This plan usually has up to 30 years for repayment. This the reason you need to pay more in interest payment.

3) The Income Contingent Plan.

This plan is for the people who have difficulty in entering the careers that have lower than average pay scale. The repayment term for Income Contingent plan is maximum 25 years. The monthly payments are determined based on your gross annual income.

4) Graduate Plan

In this plan repayment starts with a particular installment amount ,installment amount is paid for numbers of years as it gradually increases (means the amount of monthly payments will increase in every 2years) . But this is assured that your graduated repayment amount will not exceeds 1.5 times the amount you pay with the standard rate . This plan is great for the people who expect there income to be increase gradually and want to make a shorter payment plan.

Contact the Department Of Education or your lenders about applying for a Direct Student Consolidation Loan today. They can suggest the best course of action for your financial needs. Student loan consolidation could very well be the option you need to regain control of your life.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Good Reason For Personal Finance

By this time we all are familiar with the term ‘Personal Finance Budgeting’. This budgeting helps you to stop going into debt. Knowing what your income is against your outgoings (including everything from rent to mortgages to nights out etc.).People know that they should be managing their money, but millions somehow keep putting it off.

There are a few good reasons for personal financing which will help in managing your wealth.

  • First and foremost it guides you in the right direction regarding your financial matters. Any goals and dreams you might have are doomed to failure unless you have guidelines for reaching them and ways of measuring your progress.

  • It tells you if you’re living within your means, because due to easy availability of credit it has become easy to live far beyond your mean .And when you realize it’s too late.

  • It helps you to meet a goal as well as in saving money at the end of the month. With this savings you can make further investments.

  • While making a budget you can imagine how you spend your money, it allows you to focus on the things that really matter instead of frittering it away on things you don't really want.

  • You will be better prepared for emergencies or a surprise expense such as any family member suddenly needs to be admitted in hospital or car repair etc.

  • Seeing where you spend too much money allows you to refocus on your most important goals.

  • Due to proper planning it keeps you out of debt, as well as it helps to get you out of debt.

  • If you really be careful about the money, it creates some extra money which you can use in some thing that matters a lot to you.

  • Finally managing your money keeps you tension free because you don’t need to worry about the debt. It keeps you healthy because you sleep better at night without worrying about how you're going to make ends meet!
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Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Finance Terms - Explained

Finance is a well known term in our daily life, in both personal and professional fields. Finance means the proper and systematic planning of an individual or an organization for the use of monetary resource over time.

Finance has many other definitions like:-

a) It is a study of money.

b) Management and control on different assets, risks.

In business fields “to Finance” means to provide fund for the business whether it’s small or big. Many big industries are there which runs on the fund. This concept of fund is also applicable in our personal life like, if any common person wants to purchase some thing large for example car, home etc.

Basically, Finance is the set of techniques which make an individual or an organization more focused on managing money or rather make them particular to differentiate their income and expenditure. With the help of proper Finance both individual and organization can get rid of the risk on investment to some extent.

Finance has different categories like finance used by an individual is private finance, finance used by government is public finance, by business man is corporate finance, and Finance is also used by different organization like schools, colleges, clubs and many other non-profit organizations. This is because each and everybody wants to achieve their ultimate goal in a properly planned way so that at the end it becomes easier to calculate their income and expenditure, relating to which both the profit and non-profit organizations as well as individuals can plan their future finance. Finance also helps to rectify any mistake done in previous planning.

Finance helps in better institutional settings.

Finance is the most important back bone of any business management, proper financial planning brings success to an organization no matter whether the company is very much new or old.

While for individuals, finance makes man perfect in estimating his future income, expenditure and assets. It even helps in controlling the expenses.