Thursday, August 7, 2008

Life insurance strategies for cancer survivors

If you are a cancer survivor in good health, life insurance is even more feasible. There are things you can do to make sure you get the best premium offers options for your situation.

Gather all the medical records before you ask, from the first pathology report to medical records for the treatment of cases. This ensures medical Underwriters have the most complete picture of yourself, your health or cancer. Having all the files before you apply for insurance for cancer will reduce delays in the application process, because your life insurer will ask them, and we wait. The information you provide you can get better rewards at the end: The life insurer fewer subscribers know about you, the more they are likely to have to assume you are most at risk and to offer premiums accordingly. According to Levy, "If it is unclear, we are more inclined to err on the side of caution."

Make sure you have fulfilled your physician treatment plans. For example, Levy said, if your doctor had asked to see you back in a year and you have not been back in four years to go to your doctor for your check-up before asking the life insurance. Your life insurer is not going to offer you a policy without before seeing the results of the check-up. Likewise, if you have had breast cancer and are due for a mammogram in December and you apply for a cancer in October insurance, your life insurance will probably await the outcome of your next mammogram.

Get quotes from several companies. Policy costs can vary greatly between companies.

See if you can get group life insurance through a professional, fraternal, membership or political organization to which you belong.

Consider a "graded" policy (one with limited benefits) if you can not get the full death benefits. In the early years of a grade policy, the company only pays the premiums and a portion of the face value if the insured person dies of a disease, such as cancer, which existed before the policy took effect. If the insured dies after specified in the classification period, the company must pay the full amount of the policy.

If the cancer has been treated successfully, and you are in good health, you can probably get a cancer of the life insurance policy. If you can demonstrate that you are in good health and your treatments were well, many insurers may compete for your business.

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